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執筆者の写真ino story

村山匡史さん "Masashi Murayama" Part 2

いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。村山匡史さんの後半です。神戸〜現在の高知での活動や想いなど、いの町・吾北での暮らしについてお伺いました。(English version is below)  Part 1はこちら




神戸・摂津本山での mow candle shop



mow candleが生まれる工房





直販はこのショップですね。あと、ワークショップも人気です。学校や施設、小規模グループへの出張ワークショップもしていますよ。色んな年代の方が楽しんでくれています。僕がキャンドルに出会って熱中して仕事にしていることもあり、子供たちには「自分の好きなこと、やりたいことをするのが絶対にいいぜ!」って熱を入れて話しをすると中学校の先生方が困惑されたことがあリマして(苦笑)。 忌野清志郎さんほど振り切ってはいないけど、僕もこれまで相当振り切ってきたし、そういう人生は楽しいと思うんですよね。「先生の言うことなんか聞かなくていいから、やりたいことするのが良いよ!」って本当は言いたいし、学生たちにはキャンドル作って「はい終わり」ではなく自分の痕跡も少しは残せたらなぁと思いますが教育現場ではさすがに難しいですね。「あんなこと言って大丈夫がやったろうか」って思ったこともあります(笑)









Mow Candle 

取材・撮影・編集: Junko Sasanuki(いのストーリー)

画像提供: 村山匡史さん


Inostory introduces "People living in Ino". This is the second half of the interview with Masashi Murayama. In this interview, he talks about his life in Gohoku, including his activities and thoughts from Kobe to his current location in Kochi. Read Part 1 if you miss it


I became aware that I wanted to live more involved with nature and was back to hometown.

I opened a candle store and studio in a place called Settsu Motoyama in Kobe. I became used to life in the city and found it fulfilling every day. I also made many interesting friends and places where we could stimulate each other's creativity. The area where l lived had a lot of nature, even though it was only a short train ride to Sannomiya in Kobe. As I used candles to express the inspiration I got from nature, I realized that I wanted to live more connected to nature while working in the candle business. Though I was somewhat sad to leave Kobe behind, I decided to return to my hometown of Ino-cho, Gohoku. This place has been my base ever since.

This store was a general store that my great-grandfather ran . The entrance to the store does not face the national highway, as it existed before Route 194 was built. The studio is located behind the workshop place. The studio was originally built 13 years ago, and then the store was built later. I am a color lover by nature, and my clothes and motorcycle are colorful, but considering that the store is a place where candlelight comes alive, I dared to reduce the amount of light, and created a natural, simple interior with gray walls. I also think about the clothes I wear to show off the candles, so my usual colorful style is kept to a minimum, but I think my love of color helps me to make candles.

Through forestry, we are further influenced by our days facing nature and life.

The Gohoku area is surrounded by nature with mountains and rivers. However, the state of nature has changed dramatically compared to when I was a child. The mountains have not been tended, and the water level of the Niyodo River has become lower. Naturally, the Niyodo River, the clearest stream in Japan and a tourist attraction, has been greatly affected by nature. I know how scary it is to see mountains in decline, so I am learning about forestry in my hometown. Forestry is a life-threatening job, not to mention injurious, if you let your guard down even a little. I am taught on site how to handle trees, how to cut down trees, and how to go into the mountains while feeling life with tremendous concentration. Facing nature and life is a way of life for me, and I think it is reflected in my candle making.

Through workshops with children, I want to tell them, " Do whatever you want to do!

Direct sales are through this store. Also, workshops are popular. I also do workshops at schools, facilities, and small groups. People of all ages enjoy them. I am also passionate about candles, and I tell children, "Do what you love and what you want to do! I was once told that teachers at junior high schools were confused when I enthusiastically told them, "You should definitely do what you want to do and what you like to do! Although I am not as outspoken as Imawano Kiyoshiro, I have been outspoken, and I think that kind of life is fun. I would really like to say, "You don't have to listen to the teacher, just do what you want to do! I really want to say, "You don't have to listen to the teacher, just do what you want to do!" And I wish I could leave a little trace of myself in the students, instead of just making candles and saying, "That's it. I have thought to myself, "Would I have done it if I had just said that?

A typical day in my life? I am in charge of breakfast, so I make breakfast and take the kids to daycare. From there, I lock myself in the studio until the evening and work on my production. When I get home, I have dinner with my family and talk with my wife about what happened today. In the evening, I spend time reading books and relaxing. I find this repetition comfortable.

Candles are deep. The movement of the wax as it melts when lit is truly art. There is nothing that a human being can create with a single aim. Candles are very creative sculptures that the wax creates on its own, and that's what makes them so interesting.


Mow Candle Website Instagram


Interview / Editor/ Photographer/ Translater: Junko Sasanuki (Ino story)

Pictures are partly provided by mow candle



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