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執筆者の写真ino story

村山匡史さん "Masashi Murayama" Part 1

いのストーリが紹介する「いのの人々」。今回は村山匡史さんです。モーちゃんの愛称で親しまれている生粋の吾北人。元気いっぱい活動している村山さんの「いの暮らし」をお伺いしました。(English version is below)










キャンドルというのがあるとは知っていましたが、暮らしに取り入れることは全く無かったですね。それがね、沖縄でたまたまお土産用に買ったキャンドルが何故か気に入ってしまって、結局自分で使ってみたんです。生まれて初めてキャンドルに火を灯したら不思議なことに「キャンドルって面白いな」という気持ちが心にドドドーっと降りてきたんです。心と頭はすぐにキャンドルのことで一杯になりました。作りたい!でもどうやって? 2007年のことです。今みたいにYOUTUBEは無い、本も何を買えば良いのか分からない。YAHOO検索をしたらキャンドルの作り方が色々と出てきました。100均で道具は手に入るとも書いてあり、僕は速攻ダイソーに行ってしこたまキャンドル作りの買い物をして、そして見よう見まねでキャンドル作りましたよ。独学で実験の繰り返しが楽しくて夢中でした。でもこれが僕の探しているやりたいことなのか?までは考えていませんでした。ただ新しい体験に没頭していましたね。




手当たり次第に作り、ある程度数ができたときに、友達に見せよう!って思って。自動車整備士時代の友達に「飲もうや」って声をかけて、この場所に来てもらったんです。今、店舗として使っているこの場所は、元々ひいおじいちゃんの時代からの日用品店跡だったので、古い日本家屋で当時の棚がそのまま残っている古くて懐かしさ満載の空間に、キャンドルをたくさん並べて友達がやってくるのを待ちました。 それまでキャンドルのことは一言も話さなかったので、中に入るや否やたくさんのキャンドルを見て驚いてましたね。そして、明かりを消して、キャンドルの火を灯すとさらに、さらに大盛り上がりです。「お前、こんなんできたん!?」「すごい!」と口々に言うその反応がとても面白かったし、嬉しかったなぁ。

その場にいた友達の一人は普段はシャイな聞き役で自分のことを話すタイプでは無かったのですが、彼がキャンドルの火をじっと見つめながら少しずつ自分の話をし出しました。僕はそれにすごく驚き、感動しました。「キャンドルってそういう力があるんだ!」って初めて知ったのです。この瞬間、「キャンドルをやろう」って決定的に心動かされました。これが僕のやりたかったこと、探していたことなんだって。この友人がきっかけとなり、猛烈にキャンドル道をまっしぐらに進み、やがてMow Candleが生まれました。

ザ・行動の年 2008年




取材・撮影・編集: Junko Sasanuki(いのストーリー)


Inostory introduces "People of Ino". This part is the story of Masashi Murayana, a native Ino person who was born and raised in Gohoku district of Ino town. He is well known as "Mow Candle", a candle craftman more than a decade. His studio and store are located in the land his family has lived.


Early in my 20s, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do.

I was born and raised in Gohoku. My great-grandfather and grandfather have always been in Gokoku. I really loved motorcycles and mechanics, so I studied at a technical high school and worked as an auto mechanic in Kochi City from the age of 18 to 24. I was blessed with a good workplace and good relationships with my bosses, and I was always able to express my thoughts clearly, but I was always treated well, and there was very little turnover.

I worked hard every day until I was 24 years old, but gradually I began to think about my future. Everything was going well, I was getting paid to do what I loved, I had great co-workers, and I wasn't unhappy with the life I was leading. But I started to think, " What do I want to do? and "What do I want to be?". I wanted to change my life for once. However, I was 24 years old at the time and didn't have anything I wanted to do; I had been working since I was 18 years old and didn't know much about the world.

At any rate, I had been working for six years since I left school, so I decided to take a half-year break! So I decided to go to Okinawa Prefecture just on a whim. I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend some time in Okinawa on my own. I went back to Kochi with the hope that I would find something, but before I knew it, five months had passed since my vacation. I still didn't know what I wanted to do. But I promised myself that I would try to do some business by myself! I promised myself that I would do something.

I want to make candles! But how? 

I knew candles were a thing, but I never used them in my daily life. I just happened to buy a candle as a souvenir in Okinawa, and for some reason I liked it so much that I ended up trying to use it myself. When I lit a candle for the first time in my life, a feeling of "candles are so interesting" came dawdling down into my heart. My mind and heart were immediately occupied with candles. I want to make candles! But how? It was 2007. I did a YAHOO search and found a lot of information on how to make candles, and it even said that you could get tools at 100-yen stores. I made a lot of candles. I was so absorbed in the fun of self-taught, repetitive experimentation. But I didn't know if this was what I wanted to do. I was just immersed in the new experience. I was just absorbed in the new experience.

I was surprised and moved as my friend stared into the candlelight and gradually told me his story.

When I had a certain number, I would show them to my friends! I thought. I asked my friends from my auto mechanic days to come to this place for a drink. The place I now use as a store was originally the site of my great-grandfather's daily necessities store, so I laid out a lot of candles in the old Japanese house, a space full of nostalgia with the shelves from those days still intact, and waited for my friends to come over. I had never spoken a word about candles until then, so as soon as they entered, they were amazed to see so many candles. And when we turned off the lights and lit the candles, they were even more, even more excited. "You did this? Wow!" It was very interesting and happy to hear their reactions.

One of my friends who was there was usually a shy listener and not the type to talk about himself, but as he stared into the candlelight, he gradually started talking about himself. I was very surprised and moved by that. I was so surprised and moved by it, and I realized for the first time that candles have that kind of power! I was so surprised and moved by that. At that moment, I was moved to do candles. This is what I wanted to do, this is what I was looking for. This friend became the trigger for me, and I have been heading down the candle path.

The Year of Action in 2008

The following year, 2008, was a year of unprecedented action. While making candles, I went to a bar in the Atago neighborhood of Kochi City for the first time without an appointment with candles to sellnd. I was extremely busy, but very fulfilling experience. I think it is this kind of "beyond the candles" that motivates me.

Eventually, as I went out to Kagawa and Ehime , and I gradually wanted to do other places than Kochi, in places where no one knew me, I thought, "I want to do more in places where no one knows me. I was starting to go go Kobe. I didn't know about Kobe, and I visited real estate agencies in Kobe in the limited time I had, which was only two days. And the best house I came across. We moved to the place near the Sumiyoshi River.

to be continued -



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